Please create a discussion post answering the following questions. Also number your responses so that it’s clear which question you are answering. After the assignment is due you will be tasked with giving feedback to two other students responses. Note that you will not be able to review other students’ responses until after you post.

  • Is there a starting move that you think works better than other moves at the beginning of the game? If so, do you have any ideas about why that move is better?
  • The four boards for the game are split up into two home boards for each player. Describe some ways that this affects gameplay. For example, is it easier or harder to move pieces on your own home boards as the game progresses?
  • In this game, you often have to make a conscious decision about what boards to play agressively on and what boards to play defensively on. Is it better to be agressive on your own home boards or your opponents? Why?
  • What interesting questions do you have about the game Shobu?